As you can see the style is kinda different of my drawing, more like child stuff, and painted with pastel tones etc. I wanted to simulate this panels you can find in for example, commercial center on xmas. They show you a character (in xmas it tends to be Santa) and you put behind and then you pretend to be this character.
So I used a lot of cliche from popular culture (specially fairy tales in this one) of what romantic love should be, including roles (strong prince, unhappy princess ) and a lot of simbols (snake in other panel, bird, roses, apple etc) So I want people to put behind and take photos of them. As you can figure this is kinda huge (taller than me) so it takes a time to paint... I want to base my work on the sentence of jenny holzer 'Romanticism was created to manipulate woman' and well some personal experience as well (I will upload the pdf with memory in june) So... I hope you like it..
I'm sorry about this bad explanation but my english is not that good... bye bye!!