Art News

Working on Ezine. Many nice artist will participe! ( coming soon)

If you want to contact me, please:
SKYPE ID: sukisuika

domingo, 20 de junio de 2010

back, and summer is hell

Hello dear readers.

It's been a while... I was taking a rest after school... Since I have to start working next week in the fucking coffe shop... Today I made a watercolour test. It describes my feelings towards summer job. I'm not skilled in watercolour but I wanted to have some practice.

fuck summer


Next year I will finish my degree. I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life. Anyone wants comission or something. I don't want to work on a coffeshop forever uknow. Im an artizt. hahaha

hugs 4 all ya

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Netto Musume

Hello dear readers,

Just two days more and classes and exam period is over. So happy. This night I have to work hard as hell! Ganbarimasuyo! I want to show you the project I started working recently. It's side project from my band Jisatsu Netto. It's a musical project wich talks about 1) virtual ego and recycling uses of videogames 2) personal music trauma (hahaha I love to talk about myself you know my belly is the fucking center of universe) I made a mental map, so I wanted to show you, I made it like in a couple of hours so is kinda creepy, but I have to make a magazine with the final project stuff, so I haven't got so much time left to work on it. I wrote about videogames and art making . But it's in spanish, anyway if anyone is interested in this subject, can tell me about translate ^_^ But google translator is useful too...

read pdf here

creepy I know I know! but no time!!!!

This little pig is so tired, but I should come back to work!!

bye bye, thanks for reading!